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Double House cover Double House
by Haruno Nanae - 1 volume
Joint with Kotonoha.

Chapter 1 - released September 5, 2006 - 9.5MB [mirror][mirror2]
Chapter 2 - released December 5, 2006 - 7.3MB [mirror][mirror2]
Chapter 3 - released January 7, 2007 - 7.4MB [mirror][mirror2]

downloads hosted by pig2cat, Capricious Whim, and xklerios

From the creator of Pieta comes the story of a connection between two women, Maho and Fujiko, who live in the same apartment building. Maho, a trans woman, saves Fujiko, a girl from a rich family who's left home and is living on her own, one night, and the two become fast friends. As they grow closer, Fujiko confesses to Maho that she has feelings for her...

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